Devlog 3

Hello everyone. Another week has passed bringing another week of development. This week I've primarily been focused on finishing the last sprite for the update with my artist, making the expressions for said sprite myself for a change (I wanted to challenge myself) and of course implementing them in the game. 

Normally I'd give a list with specific things I've done, but except for the sprite stuff I've just been focused on bug fixing. 

For next week I'm planning on doing the final playtests before hopefully releasing the update next week (if everything goes right). If you are interested in helping me playtest shoot me a message or write a comment. Help and input on my writing/coding is always much appreciated. Also I'll be showing off 2 new sprites for the coming update in the next sneak peak, so be sure to look out for that. 

  • Writing spring (100%) 
  • Programming spring season (98%)>(99%)
  • Sprites (80%)>(100%)
  • Gui (100%)

Thank you for reading the devlog and to the 16 people who've played the game. Follow me on my socials for further updates, sneak peaks at future content and answers to your questions. 

Have a nice day!

Get As seasons change [Demo]

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