Devlog 2

Hello everyone. It's been another week which means another devlog from me. This week I've primarily been focused on play testing all the new content to remove any spelling mistakes, rephrase sentences that don't make sense and fixing variables which aren't defined making the game crash. The more specific things I've done are listed below.

  • Updated the gallery screen so the spring cg's are viewable.
  • Started the linework and colouring in of the sprite for the 2nd new character in the spring season. 
  • Gave the 1st new character all their expressions and coded them into the game.  

For next week I'm planning on finishing the 2nd sprite, adding their expressions and coding them into the game. Besides that, my main focus will lay on play testing. The percentages below are updated as follows...

  • Writing spring (100%) 
  • Programming spring season (95%)>(98%)
  • Sprites (62.5%)>(80%)
  • Gui (80%)>(100%)

Thank you for reading the devlog and to the 15 people who've played the game. Follow me on my socials for further updates, sneak peaks at future content and answers to your questions. 

Have a nice day!

Get As seasons change [Demo]

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