Devlog 1

It's now been a week since As seasons change got published and I want to thank the people who've viewed, downloaded and played the game for their interest. Since their were no bug reports, apart from one I caught myself, I've been focused on development on the spring update. 

  • The main and game menu for spring are now entirely done and I'm planning to show them off a bit later in the week. 
  • The sprite for one of the 2 new characters in this update has been made (Thank you Aleks for the help), but I'm planning to show them off later since it's spoiler territory. 
  • As for game content the intro, activities and epilogue are now fully playable which means I now only need to focus on the art and gui before doing the final playtests. 

I'll probably be able to release the spring update in a month if I keep this pace. The percentages below are updated as follows...

  • Writing spring (100%) 
  • Programming spring season (80%)>(95%)
  • Sprites (50%)>(62.5%)
  • Gui (60%)>(80%)

Thank you again to everyone who has played the game. Follow me on my socials for further updates, sneak peaks at future content and answers to your questions. 

Have a nice day!

Get As seasons change [Demo]

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